Ineligible Streets
The following list identifies the name of the street and the house numbers which are ineligible for GCISD transportation support due to the "two-mile" rule established by the Texas Education Agency. Streets are listed in alphabetical order.
Street Name - Ineligible Addresses
Aster St. - ALL
Bob White Ln. - ALL
Blue Quail Ln - ALL
Burrell Rd. - ALL
Canna St. - ALL
Cardinal Rd. - ALL
Caribou Trl. - ALL
Chapparral Run - ALL
Chimney Rock Rd. - ALL
Concord Loop N. - ALL
Concord Loop W. - ALL
Copper Mtn. Cir. N. - ALL
Copper Mtn. Cir. S. - ALL
Cottontail Ln. - ALL
Cypress Ct. - ALL
Dahlia Ave. - ALL
Daisy Ln. - ALL
Dilly Rd. - ALL
Doss Ln. - ALL
Eagle Ln. - ALL
Evergreen Ln. - ALL
Falcon Ln. - ALL
Front St. - ALL
Gaimes Dr. - ALL
Grape Creek Rd. N. - House numbers 8300 through 11349
Grape Creek Rd. W. - House numbers below 8800
Grapevine Ave. - ALL
Harvest Dr. - ALL
Hwy 87 N. - House numbers 8000 through 8699
Larkspur Ave. - ALL
Martha Rd. - ALL
Moon Ln. - ALL
Mt. Nebo Rd. - ALL
Morning (Mourning) Dove Ln. - ALL
Mustang Ave. - ALL
Petunia Ave. - ALL
Pansy Ave. - ALL
Red bird Ln. - ALL
Raccoon Rd. - ALL
Raven Rd. - ALL
Oatland Dr. - ALL
Oleander St. - ALL
Possum Hollow Rd. - ALL
Sandpiper Way - ALL
Skylark Ln. - ALL
Spruce Ct. - ALL
Sun Ln. - ALL
Sunflower Ave. - ALL
Sutters Ave. - ALL
Tokay Rd. - ALL
Verbena St. - ALL
Wheatland Dr. - ALL
Whippoorwill Way - ALL
Wren Rd. - House numbers up to 9100
Zinnia Ave. - ALL